Forests Forever: Purpose

As we enter into the 21st Century it becomes more and more apparent how fragile the world we live in truly is. For thousands of years human beings have played a steward role to the land we are so dependant upon. It is now becoming obvious that the nearly six billion people inhabiting this planet have rendered our stewardship insufficient. We will not attempt to lecture on the depressing environmental devastation our world is enduring because we are focused on the next step: a solution.

A Tangible Solution
With your help we intend to acquire land which is agriculturally dormant or depleted, environmentally degraded, or land that will be environmentally beneficial to enhance. This land is to be maintained permanently for our cause of reforestation.

An Opportunity
This is an opportunity on your behalf to benefit the entire world. As a permanent effort our cause will greatly benefit future generations. Your purchase of sponsorship shares of Forests Forever is an excellent means of commemorating a loved one's life. Our shares will be offered as estimated guarantees in terms of actual land and numbers of trees to be aquired with your sponsorship. This is an opportunity to give back to the world from which we have taken so much.

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